How to Increase Warehouse Productivity?

There are various strategies to increase warehouse productivity, from minor adjustments to significant ones. This article gives a general overview of how to increase the effectiveness of your warehouse.

As more businesses experience an increase in online sales, in part because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the warehouse space is becoming more and more crucial. Many businesses are making investments in larger

Warehousing Service in Kenya to keep inventory moving and customers satisfied.

There are always little actions that may be performed to enhance what you already have accessible if this is not a possibility for your company.

Layout of a warehouse

To maximise space, keep the distance between stocks as little as possible. You can reserve prime space for the appropriate products at the right time by organising your stock seasonally. For instance, you probably don't want to have easy access to Christmas decorations in June!

Additionally, it makes sense to keep things like printers and ink close together that are purchased together. Order selecting will take less time as a result.

To make it easier for pickers to rapidly discover the stuff, things should be organised and labelled appropriately


There are numerous different configurations, sizes, and shapes for racking. You might spend money on custom-built racking that is made to fit your area to maximise the vertical space in your warehouse.

More goods can be housed on taller industrial shelving, but it must also be safe to stack objects on higher levels. The shelf needs to come from a known and trustworthy manufacturer and be of high quality.


You won't be wasting space on things that aren't quick sellers if your inventory is slimmer. Take routine deliveries of products that are easily accessible rather than having them on hand for extended periods of time. Then you may use the space for things that do need to be kept on hand so they can be shipped out with less notice. It also makes sense to keep packaging equipment inside of a specifically designed industrial workbench or packing station so that it is always accessible when needed.


Automated transport solutions can help your warehouse run as efficiently as possible. This can include picking robots that have been specially constructed, belt conveyors, and roller conveyors. The logistics sector is highly competitive, therefore having the most modern technology and warehouse equipment will make it simpler for you to keep one step ahead of your rivals.

Figure 1: Warehousing Service in Kenya


Without your workers, your warehouse wouldn't be able to operate efficiently and profitably. Target-achieving employees should be given incentives, such as bonuses, outings, or other awards as you see fit. Employees that are happier are far more engaged at work and produce significantly more.
